Music Care Cameo

Originally from Scotland, David Leask is a born song chaser, natural storyteller, and believer in the power of song. Creator of seven critically acclaimed records, David has won multiple international songwriting awards in different genres and indeed, Songwriters Magazine called him, "the most consistent Canadian songwriting competition winner." His music draws from Celtic soul, folk/pop & roots-rock.

Perhaps David’s greatest opportunities to learn about music’s mysterious ways of healing has been when he has played in various health care settings for audiences across different age ranges and different levels of infirmity - for the Veterans and their families at Sunnybrook in their Warriors Hall and dementia wards, and across different medical and psychiatric wards of the Rouge Valley Health Care System. In those spaces, up close, David has watched the power of music do its work, moving bodies and hearts. There’s a kind of “musicking” that has a circular, reciprocal effect where people can somehow manage to meet in the space between, song by song and note by note.



David Leask