Emily Foulkes has worked in music education, with a focus on inclusion and well-being, for more than 20 years. She is the Director of Music for Good – a music for well-being charity based in Cornwall, UK. In 2021, Emily founded the Singing for Health Network, which aims to bridge research and practice and support the singing for health movement. Emily is a practitioner, trainer and researcher in Singing/Music/Arts and Health and delivers training globally on research-informed practice. She is consultant to the Sing Up Foundation and is the Research and Development Manager for the Sound Healing Academy International. Emily is a holistic practitioner working with the voice, sound, massage and Reiki. She lives with her wife and dog and enjoys nature, walking and cooking.

Emily Foulkes

Singing and Music for Wellness – Enhancing an Environment of Safety and Connection

Emily will share some of her experiences of delivering music and singing for well-being across age-ranges and contexts. Her work is underpinned by research and evidence-informed models which aim to facilitate the conditions to support well-being. This presentation will touch on aspects of these models and reflect on some of the impacts and outcomes of her own research into singing for health and well-being.